Corporate Backsliding on Targets… Well, I’m Not Surprised

What you'll learn
How many sustainability professionals feel confident they’ll hit their targets?
I posed this question to a roomful of some of the world’s leading brands. A handful of hands were raised (and full credit to those that didn’t for their honesty).
I ask this question a lot. Time and again, I get the same response. I’m neither surprised nor do I think this is the wrong answer. The targets that many companies set never actually made sense. Many companies drank the Kool-Aid in the ambition of 2020 and early 2021, and others looked to match their ambitious peers. But very few companies can undergo a radical transformation in a ~10 year timeframe. These battles were lost before they began.
So, I’m not surprised that companies are re-evaluating their targets. In fact, I expect more to follow suit. But I do think that the revised targets are much more likely to stick - and that with more realistic targets comes a genuine sense of urgency as deadlines draw closer. If this sounds like the company you’re working in, rest assured that you’re not alone.
By Saif Hameed, CEO of Altruistiq

Industry Insight: Building a Sustainable Brand? Be Honest about the F*ck Up's
The world's biggest sustainability counter-stroke? Be honest about what you’re getting wrong.
An example that sticks is Ace & Tate. Whilst becoming a B-Corp, Ace & Tate realised that they were getting some things really wrong. They didn’t try to hide behind what they were getting right. Instead, they posted an article saying ‘look, we f*cked up' and describing all the ways in which that happened.
This is marketing genius. It makes the business seem humble, introspective and you think about them as having a high ethical standard. This kind of transparency drives customer loyalty.
Next time you mess up, look to see if there is an opportunity to reframe it into something that backs up your mission and purpose.

Policy Pulse: All you Need to Know About EPR: Textile Waste Focus
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is all about holding product manufacturers to account for the impact of their waste and resource use. EPR regulations pin the cost of end-of-life treatment on manufacturers and incentivise better product design for a circular economy.
EPR schemes are well-established for electrical goods, batteries and packaging. Yet it is relatively rare for textiles. Only a handful of countries have active textile EPR schemes, but this is likely to change now the EU has proposed to apply EPR to the sector.
What are the important things to know?
Textile waste faces a unique set of challenges:
- Increase in fast fashion: Beyond increasing the resource footprint of the industry, fast fashion means the quality, mix and length of fibres make re-wearing and recycling far less likely.
- Lack of separate collection: Without targeted collection, textile waste often misses steps in the waste hierarchy by going to landfill or incineration.
- Limited capacity for recycling: The market for textiles to fibre recycling is not established, meaning unwearable collected clothes end up being exported or disposed of.
EPR sets to fix this by providing a funding source for better processes to manage textile waste.
In March 2024, the EU adopted amendments to the Waste Directive that will affect textiles, this will:
- Require countries to set up separate collections of textiles for reuse and recycling by January 2025.
- Introduce mandatory EPR schemes, harmonised at the EU level.
What businesses need to do
The exact details of EPR schemes will vary by country, though key requirements that will affect textile businesses across the EU are:
- Pay the EPR fees: To pay per item of clothing, linen, footwear and accessories - as eco-modulated for any sustainable features.
- Share information to customers: To provide end-users with info on sustainable use, repair arrangements and end-of-life treatment of their products.
- Register on the database: All covered textile producers will have to register on the EPR databases in order to sell textile products.
This will impact all textile producers in the EU. The UK has also indicated it will consider applying EPR to textiles, but the review will occur after 2025.
What to expect going forward
The EU proposal has been adopted into the Waste Directive and will await adoption by the new EU parliament after the election in June. Once adopted, Member States will have 18 months to enforce their own EPR schemes.
The best way to prepare for EPR in the meantime is to design products with durability and circularity in mind. This nests perfectly with the upcoming Eco-design regulations (ESPR) that will set textile design standards and mandate sustainability data sharing.
By Dan Enzer, Senior Sustainability Research Associate at Altruistiq
Learn more
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation paper
- EU Waste Framework Directive
- EU textile WFD proposal
- WRAP EPR policy report

Recommended Resources
- Building a Sustainable Brand, Podcast
- Sustainability Data: Driving Engagement and Making Claims, Podcast
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